
Does Your Attitude Stand In Your Way Or Accelerate You Forward?

by Johnny Bravo · 2 comments

Since the New Year started my life has been crazy busy.

The baby is less than 3 weeks away. My wife is miserably uncomfortable and can’t sleep which means I cant sleep. But I’m in luck  since work has kept me super busy. Sales! Sales! Sales! I gotta pay for this kids college education somehow.

I woke up today at 7am for a conference call this morning and for the rest of the day I had a little pep in my step and it kept me going strong all day.

Usually this is because I am a pretty positive person to begin with. You know ‘glass half full” kind of guy. I really do try to find the good in a bad situation.

And trust me it is not always easy. But I’ve found that it is necessary to live the life I want to live.

A life that helps other people be the best they can be.

I’m not going to talk in black and whites today but I do want talk about two points on the attitude scale and how they affect your daily life, your work, and your sales commission.

The Pessimist

A pessimist is someone who tends to see the worse in any situation or person. They thing bad things always happen to them. That they can never win. That they’ll never find true love. That everyone is out to get them. Or even worse that they have no value to give as a human.

When you have the same attitude as any of the above, how to you normally act? Are you very productive? Are you at peak performance? Are you especially creative during those times?

Depressed people aren’t good performers. Negative people aren’t good performers. Bored people aren’t good performers. (most) Stressed people arent good performers.

This kind of attitude should be squashed immediately because it can spread and infect others like a lethal virus.

The first carrier is often called the “Debbie downer” and he/she will be a chatter box at this point. Her weapon, gossip.

The Pessimist even creates his own self fulfilling prophecies. He talks about never being promoted with a scoul on his face, he talks poorly about management behind their backs, and thinks that everyone is an idiot becuase they dont do things they way he thinks they should be done. Which is the best way to do them obviously.

He doesn’t see to many to talk about promotions.


The Super Hero Optimist

The optimist on the other hand is the bright light shining in the office.

He is the one encouraging those around him that they are great and can do great things. His glass is always full, and its made of happy juice (various recipes available).

When a problem arrives the optimist shows excitement to hear the news.

Sally: Someone sideswiped me this morning in the parking lot :-(

Optimist Man: That’s great news Sally. You mentioned you really wanted to get a new color car. Maybe you’re insurance will cover the cost, or you could sell it and get the car of your dreams.

His optimistic view allows him to creatively think of other opportunities that someone else may not have though of. New roads to take, and light stones to intern.

 My Question To You

So my question to you now is what are you? Are you a pessimist or an optimist?

Do you see the negative or the positive.

Do you believe you are smarter than everyone else or do you believe you can learn something from everyone else?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

~ Johnny Bravo

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Arleen January 31, 2022 at 7:47 am

Hi Johnny- Sleep will come. I am an optimist. I try to see the best side of things. I find negative energy is toxic. I am also in sales and if you are negative it comes across to your customers. How many times do we buy something we didn’t really want or need but felt good about the person we were buying from. I have always been this and I have gone through some major health issues. I have never had a pity party because no one wants to come anyway.


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