
Dig Deep And Find What You Are Thankful For

by Johnny Bravo · 1 comment

Dig Deep And Find What You Are Thankful ForToday (Thanksgiving in the US) is my absolute favorite holiday of the year. More so even then my marriage anniversary, Christmas, and my birthday.

Yes I consider my birthday a holiday.

And my preference for Thanksgiving is not only about the food.

It’s a big part, don’t get me wrong, but Thanksgiving is a pretty unique holiday in my mind because it is a day that forces everyone to look deep inside themselves to answer a simple question that we forget to ask ourselves sometimes.

Too often our minds are bogged down by everything that is going on in our lives that we forget to take a moment and focus on the now.

The great philosopher Yoda once told his pupil Luke Skywalker  “This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away…to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing.

I believe we all fall in this trap which is why it’s so important to take a day, it doesn’t matter which, and reflect on what it is you are thankful for.

And I’m not talking about the things you are thankful for i.e. my job, my car, my iPhone, my house, etc. Don’t quantify what you are thankful for by putting it into a box. Remind yourself that you are thankful for a career that allows you to provide for your self and your family. You are thankful for the stability it provides. For the people it allows you to meet. For over all influence it has on making you a better person and your life a better one to live.

I Am Thankful For Trust

For me, I am thankful for the trust that is given to me.

The trust my wife gives that I will be faithful to her and that I will provide for her and our family. 

The trust my company gives that I will be a valuable asset to the organization helping to build partners in a for-profit manner.

The trust my family and friends give that I will be there for them when they need me.

The trust my clients give me that I truly want to help their real estate business grow.

You’ll notice that in every one of the sentences above I say that the trust has been given to me.

I did not build trust or create it out of thin air. I can not steal trust. And believe it or not I even have a hard time saying I can earn trust.

Trust is something that can ONLY be given. ~Tweet This

You still need to do the activities that deem you worthy of that trust. You have to go above and beyond what is expected of you at all times.

And remember trust is a currency. You can do activities that add to the bank, and you can do activities that withdraw from the bank. Different activities have different amounts which is decided by the person giving the trust.

Don’t withdraw more than you have and don’t do something that closes the account.

So back to you. What are you thankful for? 

~ Johnny Bravo


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