
How To Eliminate Objections Before They Happen

by Johnny Bravo · 0 comments

How To Eliminate Objections Before They HappenWhat if I told you there is a way to eliminate objections before your customers and prospects have a chance to use them against you?

Instead of dreading the objections you know are a very real possibility you welcome them.

How much would that sales technique be worth to you? How far would you be willing to go to make that a possibility?

Would you be willing to go against everything you might know about selling? Even if getting to no was a very real possibility?

I hope so because being able to eliminate objections before they happen is a very valuable sales skill to have.

Some of the benefits you’ll realize from being able to eliminate objections are:

A Faster Sales Cycle

You’ll no longer need to go back and forth between objection and negotiation, problem and concession.

Instead you’ll all but skip much of the delays that are the result of having to manage and handle objections.

More Sales & Commission

Obviously the fewer objections there are in your sales conversations the more likely you are to close more sales.

And not only will you close more sales but you’ll be able to do so at higher margins. This means more revenue for your company and more commission in your bank account.

Better Closing Percentages

As a sales person I am well aware of the need to “show the numbers”. Certain sales incentives are based on your numbers.

Whether that’s number of sales closed or percentage of sales closed, these statistics are important for a lasting career as a sales professional.

Just like with high sales and commissions, being able to eliminate objections before they happen will help increase your closing percentages.

You’ll Build Trust

Yep, by using the technique I describe below you will actually build trust with your prospects.

And as I’ve mentioned time and again, trust is one of the most important factors in making a sale.

How To Eliminate Objections

The concept is simple but it’s not the easiest thing to do in a sales conversation. When you first try it you’ll probably be a bit fearful that the prospect will get up and ask you to leave right there on the spot.

Believe me when I say that probably won’t happen. And as you practice and perfect your delivery, it will come naturally to you and be a strong foundation for your sales pitch.

The way to eliminate objections is to be brutally honest with yourself and your prospects by telling them where your competitors are better than you.

Do that and you will disarm them from using those shortcomings against you.

The first step is to recognize that your product or service is not perfect on all levels. You may be the best on price, but you lack behind competitors in functionality. Or maybe your support is stellar but your delivery takes longer than the norm.

Next you need to evaluate your competitors to see who is strong in the areas you aren’t. Why does your biggest competitor win deals over you? What do they have or do differently than you do.

This is something that every company should do. And right now I’m just trying to put into context another reason why you should always do a competitor analysis.

Once you know this information you need to tell your customers that you fall short in a specific area.


Yep that’s right. I want you to bring, front and center, where your product or company comes short.

Now I don’t want you to simply walk into a prospect meeting and start telling them all the areas your company sucks. That would be pretty self-destructive.

What I do want you to do is tailor your conversation to the prospects needs and the competitors you’re going against.

If you haven’t already you’ll want to ask them who they are looking at in addition to you. When they tell you who or what they like about the other companies you’ll be able to use the information from your competitor analysis to proceed.

You’ll know what those competitors excel at over you and where you excel over them.

From there you’ll ask the prospect what is important to them in making a decision. This should give you a good idea of where to take the conversation.

One Last Point

There is one last thing I want you to do that will help you succeed at using this technique.

Do it early on. The earlier you tell them where your shortcomings lie, the earlier you will eliminate their objections or the earlier you can focus on getting to no.

~ Johnny Bravo

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