
The Best Career Choice You Can Make

by Johnny Bravo · 0 comments

Best Career Choice You Can MakeWhen we were all young we had aspirations to do great things.

We wanted to be an astronaut, firefighter, or even President. We endeavored to save the world by ending hunger or curing cancer. Anything was possible.

But as the realities of those jobs become more real and our interest changed we moved on to other vocations. Not because those aspirations were no longer important; instead our choices simply led us in different directions.

Today I want to impart on you a simple idea the will help you in your career whether you are just starting your professional life or are already a veteran in your industry.

…add variety

Variety it is said, is the spice of life. And the good that can result from it is visible in everyday life.

In college you’re required to take classes outside your major. After your first heartbreak you’re told that “there are other fish in the sea”. In networking its important to have connections across multiple industries.

From there majors are often changed, true love is found, and dream job opportunities are found.

What I challenge you to do today is look at your current situation and see if you have successfully applied variety in the three areas below.

If not, now would be a good time to start.

Variety In Your Experience

This is the single most important place you can add variety into your career. By working in different industries you are exposed to many vocations that you would have never thought existed.

You’re introduced to other positions within the company, with vendors or suppliers, and with customers.

This is where your network grows and many new opportunities present themselves.

When you’re young the goal is to get as much experience as possible. Try new things, meet new people, and see what is out there.

Obviously if you are already well into your professional years its a little harder to be job hoping. But you can still volunteer or sit on boards where you can get that variety.

It might lead you to change careers or lead to other new opportunities.

Variety In Your Skills

Having a varied set of skills is absolutely necessary to be successful in your career. What you want is to have skills that complement each other, your career, or the career you’re interested in.

For me and sales I have varied my skills into marketing, training, communication, website design, writing, and branding. All skills that you see being used right here on the Sales Pro Blog.

This helps you stand out from the crowd in your current position and if the time comes for you to look around by making your marketable and desirable.

Variety In Your Knowledge

Similar to your skills you want to have variety in your knowledge base and where you get your information.

Use multiple resources to stay on top of your industry and market movers. You don’t want to rely on any one single resource when you have the option.

This isn’t to difficult with the access to knowledge online now. Read from newspapers, trade journals, even industry blogs.

Don’t Make This Mistake

Now I want you to keep in mind that I am not telling you to jump around positions and companies never focusing on one. I’m also not telling you to be a jack of all trades without mastering one.

Quite the opposite. What I’m asking you to do is try different things so that you find that one role you were meant for. The one that makes you get out of bed every morning with excitement, not dread. That one skill that you are a true expert at.

Your goal should be find what you like. That way you are passionate about it and apply your whole being to it.

~ Johnny Bravo


Image courtesy of Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee /

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