
[Book Review] Tuesday Morning Coaching

by Johnny Bravo · 0 comments

Tuesday Morning Coaching by Cottrell DavidThis is a post I had designed for another one of my niche sites. But when I reread Tuesday Morning Coaching I just couldn’t resist re-sharing it.

I am a true believe that knowledge is power and sales leaders are sales readers. And although I wasn’t the most studious person in college, I’ve grown up to appreciate the knowledge available in books. That is one characteristic of myself that I am very proud of.

I try to learn as much as I can about everything I can. And that drive kicks in extra hard when I come across something I don’t understand or feel there is more to gain from finding out more.

One way I cater to that drive is by reading. My goal is to read at least one book a month. For the most part I’m pretty good about it, sometimes it takes me a little longer to get through a dry book. But other times I come across a book so good I can’t put it down.

This past month, due to the April Blitz has been a slow month for reading. Which is why I decided to revisit a book I felt very strongly about.

The name of the book is Tuesday Morning Coaching: Eight Simple Truths To Boost Your Career and Your Life (Amazon affiliate link) by David Cottrell. It’s the account of a student Ryan, and his mentor Jeff.

The book tells the story of Ryan, a successful manager who has been in a rut lately and unable to get himself out of it personally and professionally. Ryan reaches out to a former boss of his, Jeff, and asks him to be his mentor and help him figure out what is going on.

For the next eight chapters Jeff imparts on Ryan various life lessons and tasks to complete to help him reignite his motivation and success.

The Eight Simple Truths that Ryan discovers in his adventure are:

  • No Matter What … accept responsibility and move forward
  • And Then Some … give more than is expected
  • Consider it Done … do what you say you will do
  • Above All Else … hold fast to your values
  • From Now On … learn from mistakes and welcome change
  • See It, Feel It, Trust It, Do It … set, envision, share and take action on your goals
  • Focus Inside Your Boat … invest your time in things you can control
  • Knowledge is Power … read, listen, observe and learn

All valuable in their own right. But along the way Ryan is tasked to meet with some old friends of Jeff who he has identified as successful in their chosen field.

In the course of the book Ryan learns the above eight lessons independently and sometimes mixed from a teacher, receptionist, firefighter, football coach, golf pro, and even a taxi cab driver.

Besides the above Eight Simple Truths, one thing that really made this book stand out for me was that Cottrell uses real world examples of organizations and individuals who have implemented one or all of these truths to be successful.

What You Can Hope To Learn From This Book

Cottrell puts it in a very succinct way when he says, “Long-term success is not the result of one defining change or doing one thing well. It comes from embracing several small, simple yet powerful truths.

As a sales pro I feel that understanding those two sentences can mean the difference between a tryer and a doer. These eight truths I feel are worthy of further study, action, and pursuit. And I hope you’ll consider reading this book so you can dive a bit deeper into those truths and the activities that you can take to learn them on your own.

Although I’d love to give you word for word the lessons learned in the course of reading this book, I don’t think it would be fair to the author so if you would like to read the book feel free to visit the two links below (affiliate links) to get your own copy. Or you could always go to Amazon on your own to pick up a copy.

I promise it will be worth it.

Book Kindle

If you do pick up a copy, or have already read this book, let me know in the comments below your thoughts. I’d love to hear them.

~ Johnny Bravo

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