
When Quality Matters In LinkedIn Connections

by Johnny Bravo · 3 comments

When Quality Matters In LinkedIn Connections

In my last post I pointed out why I believe LinkedIn rewards profiles who focus on the quantity of connections more than quality of connections. In my mind having a lot of 1st level connections allows you to quickly get your message out and in front of readers.

It is a controversial subject and a conversation that has been going since the beginning of LinkedIn. So I expected to get some strong feedback that differs from my views. In fact I was hoping for it. Facing opposing views is an excellent way to realize opportunities for change in oneself.

The feedback I’ve already received has given me ideas for this post centered around when I think quality matters and why you might want to go the opposite way I recommended.

The thing to focus on is that in my post It’s True, LinkedIn Rewards Quantity Over Quality the main concept was that based on LinkedIn’s policies and processes they reward people who have higher connections. But that is only half the puzzle.

The other half is using those connections to build strong lasting relationships and partners.

When Quality Matters

In general I still believe your first priority should be GROWING your network as large as you can. If you have great content to share but no one to share it with, you’re going be moving very very slowly. 

Now I don’t recommend you go down a phone book and search their names on LinkedIn and send a connection request.

No, no, no. That is a great way to get your account banned on LinkedIn for spamming.

Instead I want you to connect with everyone you know and have personally met. Your family, your friends, your current coworkers, past coworkers, people you knew from school or college.

Anyone you’ve met at a trade shows, networking function, or company visits. Add them to your network immediately.

Join LinkedIn Groups and see what other members have joined before. If they are in your industry then reach out to them to connect. Send a personalize letter as to how you can both provide value to each other and you should have no problem.

So below are a few ways you can use the quality connections you’ve made in LinkedIn to use the site to its fullest.

Where you share and participate:

This is an area you can focus more on quality than quantity. Do not join groups that you would not be able to gain and give value to. And these groups that you participate in will change constantly.

I recommend “cleaning out the closet” at least once a quarter. Meaning take a  look at your groups and determine if the topics are still in line with what you first joined for. Are the discussions still coming or are they all simply self promotions? 

What connections you focus your attention on

No matter how many connections you have there will always be a select few who you constantly  comment on or like their posts. Perhaps they are professional friends, perhaps they are collegues who shares awesome content.

This is where my last post could have given a little more clarification. You give your network quanitity, and you give your focus quality.

~ Johnny Bravo

Image courtesy of renjith krishman /

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